Cacti For Sale

 This list will be updated as soon as plants become available so please check back regularly.  If you see something you like you are welcome to reserve it and we'll put it to one side for you to collect later. 

We can only send out items where postage is indicated under the price.

Please contact us by email for any enquiries.

Austrocylindropuntia floccosa 


This lives in the high Andes and forms multi headed clumps.

Austrocylindropuntia salmiana


Austrocylindropuntia salmiana


Austrocylindropuntia subulata 

In a bed or large pot this can grow at a foot a year.

£8 each

Austrocylindropuntia subulata "monstrose" 


This is a much slower growing variety of the subulata and therefore suitable for a smaller collection.

Austrocylindropuntia vestita 

This should not be staked up as it likes to move about. Best to give it a good margin all the way round as it will wallop other plants in the vicinity.


Austrocylindropuntia vestita "cristata"


This cristate plant will need occasional maintenance to stop reversion.

Aylostera pseudodeminuta 


Aylostera pseudodeminuta 


Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis


This is a monotypic species

Chamaecereus silvestrii in 3 inch pot


Chamaecereus silvestrii in 5 inch pot


Chamaelobivia Hybrid


Chamaelobivia Hybrid

In flower

Chamaelobivia hybrid

 This one was sold to us as "Alba" but after seeing the flowers it's more likely to be the hybrid "Daniela" with paler orange, slightly larger flowers than the Peanut Cactus.


Corynopuntia grahamii


Corynopuntia moelleri 


Cumulopuntia boliviana ssp. dactylifera


Cumulopuntia ignota

 Field collection number PH 782 - 04 


 Cylindropuntia hystrix


 Only one smaller plant available at the moment. More under propagation

Hystrix is Latin for Porcupine so that should give you a clue about this one

Cylindropuntia rosea


This is one of our most dangerous cacti with sheathed spines. Do not buy this unless you are experienced in handling things that embed themselves and won't let go 😬

Cylindropuntia tunicata - The Sheathed Cholla

 This is another one that needs careful handling


Cylindropuntia whipplei


Echinocactus grusonii - The Golden Barrel Cactus


Echinocereus pentalophus


Echinocereus pentalophus in flower

Echinocereus pentalophus 

Larger plant in 6 inch pot


Maihueniopsis camachoi


Mammillaria bocasana 


These have hooked spines so care must be taken.

 The flowers can be Cream or Pink

Mammillaria bocasana 


Mammillaria bombycina


Mammillaria carmenae red flowered form


Mammillaria decipiens subs. albescens  


Mammillaria duwei 


Mammillaria duwei in flower. 

This plant is about 5 years old. (Not for sale)

Mammillaria elongata 


Mammillaria elongata "Copper King"


Mammillaria geminspina


Mammillaria vetula sub species gracilis


For Sale - Kent. U.K.

Mammillaria vetula sub species gracilis


For Sale - Kent. U.K.

Mammillaria vetula sub species gracilis

This plant is about 10 years old (not for sale)

Mammillaria vetula sub species gracilis in 5 inch pot.



These produce pups freely but seldom flower unless they are mature specimens

Opuntia aurea 


 Common Name(s): Creeping Beavertail, Yellow Beavertail

Synonym(s): Opuntia basilaris, Opuntia basilaris aurea 

Opuntia bulbispina 


Opuntia fragilis


Opuntia humifusa (4 inch pot)


Opuntia humifusa flowers 

(not for sale)

To Clear - Tray of Opuntia microdasys v. albispina

£10 for the lot 

Opuntia microdasys v. rufida


Opuntia microdasys v. rufida 

Larger plant in 6 inch pot


Opuntia microdasys v. palida


For Sale - Kent. U.K.

Opuntia microdasys v. palida

 Larger plant in 6 inch pot


For Sale - Kent. U.K.

Opuntia monacantha "variegata" 

(Only 2 left)


Opuntia monacantha "monstrose"

 This is a very variable plant. Some grow tall and slender, others are short and clumping. The odd one gets rather fat !


Opuntia polyacantha 


Opuntia quimilo


Opuntia quimilo (4 inch pot)


Opuntia stricta 


 This has so many glochids it can even catch insects with them. Caution advised

Parodia erubescens 


Parodia erubescens flowers with pup and seedling in flower at the same time.

(not for sale)

Parodia warasii

 From Brazil, this is similar to Leninghausii and also grows on cliffs


Pilosocereus pachycladus £25

These are tall plants so please make sure you have space and adequate packing to transport them home without them sliding about in the back of the car. Not the easiest thing to take home by public transport but a good talking point.

Pterocactus tuberosus


This Opuntoid has a tap root so needs a deep pot

Rebutia muscula (Rebutia fiebrigii)


Sulcorebutia rauchii


For Sale - Kent. U.K.

Tephrocactus articulatus strobiliformis


Tephrocactus articulatus papyracanthus


Tephrocactus molinensis


Tunilla chilensis

 Field Collection Number PH 947 - 02


End of Season Offer. Nine Parodia erubescens. £10 for the tray.

 (Only 5 trays left - 21/01/2025)

End of Season Offer. Nine Mammillaria vetula gracilis. £10 for the tray.

 (Only 1 tray left - 21/01/2025)

Cactus seeds. Opuntia humifusa. 5 seeds for £2.50 plus 85p postage (U.K. only) 

Cactus seeds. Parodia erubescens. 10 seeds for £2.50 plus 85p postage (U.K. only)

If you would like to buy any of the plants for sale, let me know at 

 Simply click on the "donate" link where you can pay by paypal or card, we can then reserve the plant/plants for you to collect at a convenient time.

                            Click on the picture below to be taken to our Paypal Donate page

Searchfields Historic Buildings is my company name from when I used to conserve the Nation's Churches, Castles and Listed Buildings. Now I am retired and grow the Nation's cacti it's far too complex to change my paypal account name 😄